Pengaruh Kelembaban Dan Kadar Garam Terhadap Nilai Pentanahan Tanah Orgosol
Orgosol soil types ;, Grounding Resistance, Humidity, SalinityAbstract
Grounding is a very important protection or safety system in electrical equipment, to drain excess current to ground, protect people from the risk of electric shock, and protect equipment from being damaged. A good grounding system has a ground resistance in the range of 0-5 ohms. Moisture and salt content are several factors that affect the holding value. The type of research used is laboratory research using orgosol soil types. Based on the research, the grounding value at 634 humidity is 14572.3 x 104, higher than 766 humidity at 4670.2 x 104 ohm. This shows that the higher the humidity, the lower the soil value obtained. Soil was obtained with a salt content of 2319.75 × 104 ohms when 50 g of salt content was added. This is in contrast to the fact that adding 150 g of salt reduces the resulting ground reading by 879 x 104. This indicates that the higher the salt content of the soil, the lower the grounding value
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