Perancangan Sistem Fire Alarm Kebakaran Pada Gedung Laboratorium XXX
detector system, sprinkler system, water volume, pump.Abstract
Fire is a phenomenon that occurs when a material reaches a critical temperature and reacts chemically with oxygen (for example) producing heat, flame, light, smoke, water vapor, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, or other products and effects. Fires can occur anywhere, be it in office buildings, residences or public facilities. As for other than in public areas, fires often occur, both in rooms and laboratories, the triggers are almost the same due to negligence and not being careful in using flammable tools. For this reason, the need for a fire detector with a detector system using an alarm so that once a fire occurs, all those in the building can find out through the detector with an alarm sound as a fire marker. In order to reduce casualties, the need for a sprinkler system to extinguish the fire, and can assist the officers or authorities in the building as soon as possible. From the above problems, this research will determine how many detectors and sprinklers are needed, as well as how much water volume, pump power, and ground water tank are needed. This type of research is quantitative research by direct observation of the object under study, then researchers measure the room one by one using a building meter. From the calculation results by taking a sample on the 1st floor, the number of detectors needed is 10 smoke detectors and 3 heat detectors, the number of sprinklers is 47, the volume of water needed is 846 m3, the pump power and ground water tank needed are hydraulic power. pump (HHP) 3,28621 kW, pump shaft power (BHP) 4.38 kW, pump electric power (P) 6 kW, diesel pump (PpD) 4 HP, jocky pump (PJk) 0.6 kW, capacity GWT ( QGWT) 44 m3.
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