Illumination Analysis Patal Pusri Intersection Underground Road


  • Abdul Azis
  • Nita Nurdiana Universitas PGRI Palembang
  • Choirul Rizal Prodi Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Palembang



llumination, Feasibility, Lighting, Street Lamps


The traffic lane underpass is shaped tunnels built to provide a solution to traffic congestion that occurred on an, intersections and long underpass usually less than 0,1. 0,16 miles or miles Underpass Simpang Patal Pusri Palembang is a reserved for public, traffic and the public must be furnished with equipage. Road one way is the street lights, for that reason by Underpass Simpang Patal Pusri Palembang has installed lights. public roadsA kind of light to overpass, flat, intersection the sodium light the gas is high pressure or high-pressure sodium, son with the normal lighting 20 - 25 lux and efficiency of the average 110 lumen/ watts with a view to provide comfort and safety for road users. This study aims to to know the intensity of light lighting, the intensity of lighting and analyze the worthiness of the lighting on the street lights Underpass Simpang Patal Pusri Palembang. The research the results in the light of that flux SON-T 200 22.000 lumen. to wattsSome of the results of the intensity of the light in the Underpass Patal Pusri intersection of Palembang 668,7395 candela influenced by factors settings 0,65 as much as percent. The intensity of the light/illumination highest located at the T1 worth E = 30,56 lux influenced by the L1 - L12 until. To their intensity light/illumination highest located at the lowest point of the L2 = E 14,69 lux who influenced by the L1 - L12 until. Standard for lighting a street underpass sni 7391: 2008 to 20 lux until 25, lux so the lighting is Underpass Simpang Patal Pusri Palembang still in accordance with standard value determined by sni 7391: 2008 which is 20-25. lux The results of which of  ERate of 23,39. lux.


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How to Cite

“Illumination Analysis Patal Pusri Intersection Underground Road”, jtekno, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 1–10, Oct. 2022, doi: 10.33557/jtekno.v19i2.1676.