The Secant Method, The Modified Form, Twin RootsAbstract
Determining the root of an equation means making the equation equal zero, (f (f) = 0). In engineering, there are often complex mathematical equations. With the numerical method approach, the equation can be searching for the value of the equation root. However, to find a double root approach with several numerical methods such as the bisection method, regulatory method, Newton-Raphson method, and Secant method, it is not efficient in determining multiple roots. This study aims to determine the roots of non-linear equations that have multiple roots using the modified Secant method. Besides knowing the effect of determining the initial value for the Secant method that is modifying in determining the non-linear root of persistence that has multiple roots. Comparisons were also make to other numerical methods in determining twin roots with the modified Secant method. A comparison is done to determine the initial value used. Simulations are performing on equations that have one single root and two or more double roots.
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