Analisis Framing Berita Calon Bupati Bangka Barat Pada Surat Kabar Harian Bangka Pos (Studi Analisis Framing Robert N Entman)


  • Ahmad Muhaimin UIN Raden Fatah
  • Murti Murti Universitas Bina Darma


Analisis Framing, Candidates Regent and mass media


Metodologi purpose of this study are ; to fine news framing candidates regent Bangka Barat on a daily newspaper Bangka Pos. This type of research is descriptive with qualitative approach. The method used in in this research is framing method by using models Robert .N. Entman, this model is used to determine how the mass media build the reality with four elements, namely: define problem, diagnose causes, make moral judgement dan treatment recommendation. The results showed that based on the results of research and discussion can be drawn the conclusion that news framing candidates in Bangka Pos daily newspaper, daily news show genitalia Bangka Pos can describe what is considered important by the community, maintaining similarity agenda between what the media issues and what became a public issue as well asthe media agenda influence the public agenda, especially regarding the proclamation candidates (elections) Bangka Barat, meaning that in agenda setting daily newspapers Bangka Pos that determines the strength of the media to influence public audiences with specific purpose.






How to Cite

Analisis Framing Berita Calon Bupati Bangka Barat Pada Surat Kabar Harian Bangka Pos (Studi Analisis Framing Robert N Entman). (2016). Jurnal Inovasi, 10(1), 13-22.