About the Journal

Focus dan Scope

Fokus Jurnal  Inovasi pada  ruang llingkup Ilmu Komunikasi


1. Ilmu Komunikasi

2. Kajian Media dan Jurnalisme

3. Kajian Hubungan Masyarakat dan Periklanan

4. Komunikasi Visual

5. Komunikasi Psikologi

6. Budaya Media dan Politik

Peer Review Process

Each article that goes to the editor will be selected in advance on the scope and feasibility by the editorial boards. Then, the articles will be sent to peer reviewer and will go to the next selection by Blind Preview Process. Reviewers do not know the identity of the authors, and authors do not know the identity of reviewers either.  Each submitted paper will be reviewed by at least two peer-reviewers. After that, the articles will be returned to the authors to revise. The reviewing process will consider novelty, objectives, method, scientific impact, conclusion, and references.