Jurnal Bina Komputer (JBKom) is a scientific journal that presents original articles about knowledge and information on research results or the application of the latest research and development results in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The scope of the Journal of Computer Development covers the fields of Informatics and Computers. This journal is a forum for sharing research and development work in the field of ICT. JBKom is also one of the media for researchers to publish their major works which are published twice a year, which was originally in February and July changed to June and December starting in 2022. with P-ISSN : 2656-159X and E-ISSN : 2656-1603.

Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Bina Komputer (Desember 2023)

In Progress...

Published: 2024-01-31

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