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The aim of this study is to find out whether or not there is significant effect of using Jigsaw technique on the eighth-grade students’ reading comprehension at Islamic Junior High School Al-Jauharen. The design of the experiment research is a quasi-experimental research with pre-test post-test control group design. There were 64 students involved as the samples in this study. The results indicated that there was significant difference on the students’ comprehension before (M=60.80, SD= 19.69) and after being taught by using Jigsaw Technique (M=78.62, SD=10.08), t(29)=3.926, p= 0.000< 0.05. The results of independent sample t-test also indicated that there was significant difference on the comprehension of the students in experimental group and in control group (p>0.05). In brief, the results implied that there were there was significant effect of using Jigsaw Technique on the students’ reading comprehension.
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Jurnal Ilmiah Bina Bahasa by http://journal.binadarma.ac.id/index.php/binabahasa is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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