Rancang Bangun Peringatan Dini Bahaya Banjir Pada Daerah Aliran Sungai Berbasis Internet Of Think
water level, flowmeter, temperature sensor, 16x2 lcd, servo motor, Internet of Think, ESP8266Abstract
High rainfall, High rainfall, especially during the rainy season, results in a rise in the level of water flowing into the river, which can be a triggering factor for the danger of flooding. One indication that can be known is the overflow of water in the river flow so that the flowing water cannot be accommodated by the river canal. In this study, a monitoring system can provide water level reading information using the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor with the addition of a flow meter sensor reading feature, and a DHT11 temperature sensor. This flood early warning system is designed to provide a warning when a flood hazard will occur which is indicated by an indication of rising water levels in the river flow with information directly or in real time as a disaster early warning effort. This information will then be displayed on a 16x2 LCD, alarm, and smartphone direct display via Internet of Think technology with ESP8266 as the transmission medium to the cloud network. In addition to presenting information, the tool is also equipped with a servo motor that will activate the opening of the sluice gate so that the water level returns to normal. In the appearance of this information later, the system will display the state of the level of early warning information with a red LED indicator display and a buzzer that lights up when conditions are dangerous and can be accessed via a smartphone. With this tool designed later, it is hoped that it will be able to anticipate the danger of flooding that will occur so that it can help residents around the riverbanks to get early warning when a possible flood hazard will occur.
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