Design of i-LOCA (Innovative Lobster Catcher) With Theoriya Resh-eniya Izobretatelskikh Zadatch (TRIZ) and Business Model Canvas (BMC) (Case Study: Gresik And Lamongan Fisherman Communities)
lobster, TRIZ, BMC, fishing gear, lobster catcherAbstract
Indonesia has the potential of marine resources. Efforts are needed to explore and cultivate the existing marine resources appropriately. The problems of fishermen catching technology is one of the main factors causing the lack of competitiveness of nations in the world's fisheries. Lobster has a high sales value, but exploration is still minimal due to the absence of specific fishing gear. Lamongan and Gresik are the coastal areas in Java Sea with the lobster fishing commodities. At the time of the lobster season arrives, limited fishing gear is used in fishing gear such as fish traps and nets that are not a lobster fishing gear. Use the problem-solving process stages: literature studies and field studies. The study of literature used is overall product design, TRIZ and BMC. While field studies conducted in Gresik and Lamongan to seek consumer needs. In this data collection using interviews, FGD and giving questionnaires to fishermen. The design of lobster fishing gear done by TRIZ to resolve the contradiction existing problems and be approached BMC method that lobster fishing gear i-LOCA (Innovative Lobster Catcher) can be commercialized. i-LOCA has detection equipment or towing lobster with optimum fishing capacity to increase the income of fishermen.
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