The Effect of Catalyst Amount & Reacters Comperative on Glycerol Conversion From Castrol Oil With Catalyst Of Pertamina Cracking Process Unit III Palembang
Amount of catalyst, Conversion, Glycerol, TransesterificationAbstract
Transesterification of oil with alcohol produces glycerol and methyl esters (biodiesel). The reaction is influenced, among others, by the amount of catalyst and the ratio of oil and meth hanol reagents. This purpose of research to determine the effect of the amount of catalyst and the ratio of reagents on the conversion of glycerol. The experiment was carried out in a three-necked flask equipped with a stirrer and reverse cooling. In a three-necked flask, 150 ml of castor oil was added, 0.375 ml of H2SO4 was added, heated to a temperature of 650C. Then add 185 ml of methanol and stir for 30 minutes. Then let stand 24 hours to form two layers. The bottom layer is glycerol. The transesterification process was continued by adding 100 ml of glycerol in a mixture of methanol (variation 1:2, 1:3, 1:4) with RCC catalyst (variation 1.7gr;1.9gr;2.1gr;2.3gr ;2.5gr) The mixture was then stirred at 90 rpm for 75 minutes. Based on the results of research conducted, the highest glycerol conversion value was in the amount of catalyst 2.1 g with a ratio of reagents between castor oil and methanol of 1:3 of 55.33%.
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